Check out these Pathfinder images:
Pathfinder Bible Achievement 2008
Image by Vicki's Pics For the last four years our two children, William and Beth, have participated in Pathfinder Bible Achievement. PBA is made up of four competitions. Your team of six players discusses each question among themselves and hands in their written answer to a judge. No answers are said out loud, so none of the teams know how they are doing in relation to the other teams (I should clarify that the correct answer is announced once all answers for a question have been handed in, but you don't know what the teams' answers were). There are varying numbers of teams at each event. At the end of the event the scores are added up and first place is awarded to each team that scores within 10% of the highest score. Theoretically every team could win a first place, although, sadly, I have never seen that happen. The first place teams proceed on to the next level of competition. Today (2/9/08) was the first event for this year. It was at our local Area Level. Our team was one of two teams (out of nine) in our area to receive a first place, and so they will be proceeding to the Conference Level event next month. :) After the Conference Level, there is the Union Level, and finally the North American Division Level. At the final NAD Level there are teams from Canada, United States and Mexico, and the questions are read in French, English and Spanish. Our team has won a first place two of the three times they have made it to the NAD. Last year they made second place at that level, which was disappointing but still an amazing accomplishment. Our team has never _not_ made it to the NAD Level, so they have a bit of pressure to keep up the good work. ~~~ The last four years of material covered~~~ 2008 Matthew 2007 The last four chapters of Deuteronomy and the book of Joshua (very difficult!!!!) 2006 Chronicles 2005 Acts Resources and study materials for this year's event can be found at
Polaroid Pathfinder 110
Image by eastendimages Polaroid Pathfinder 110 converted to take pack film. Wollensak Raptar 127mm f/4.5 lens
Pathfinder Parachuting During Exercise Eagle's Eye
Image by Defence Images A soldier of the Parachute Regiment's Pathfinder Platoon descends from the sky during Exercise Eagle's Eye near Siena, Italy. The eyes and ears of the British Army's rapid reaction force were put through their paces on a demanding training exercise in Italy. Exercise Eagles Eye saw 16 Air Assault Brigade troops, who specialise in reconnaissance, work alongside the Italian Brigata Paracadutisti Folgore. The aim of the training was to test the full range of Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition, and Reconnaissance (ISTAR) capabilities and share techniques and tactics with their Italian counterparts. The exercise built up to a simultaneous parachute drop near Siena and helicopter assault on a strongpoint in Monte Romano, near Rome. Advance forces had secured and marked the drop and landing zones, checked the routes off and carried out surveillance of the strongpoint to identify targets to be hit by air and artillery strikes. Units taking part included D Squadron Household Cavalry Regiment (D Sqn HCR), 5th Regiment Royal Artillery, 23 Engineer Regiment (Air Assault), 3rd Battalion The Parachute Regiment and Pathfinders. All provide soldiers for the Air Assault Task Force (AATF), which is ready to deploy anywhere in the world at short notice to conduct the full spectrum of military operations, from non-combatant evacuation operations to warfighting. ------------------------------------------------------- © Crown Copyright 2013 Photographer: Cpl Obi Igbo Image 45155287.jpg from This image is available for high resolution download at subject to the terms and conditions of the Open Government License at Search for image number 45155287.jpg For latest news visit Follow us:
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